Events 22-03-2022

International seminar

Linguistic computational blogs and the promotion of scientific and technical research of the Arabic language.

The research unit of “the reality of linguistics and the development of linguistic studies in Arab countries” –Tlemcen- organized an international videoconference seminar on linguistic computational blogs and promotion of scientific and technical research of Arabic language.

  • The seminar addressed several issues including:
  • The method of investing the computational capacities of linguistic blogs in the observation and analysis of linguistic phenomena.
  • How computational linguistic blogs contribute to changing the Arabic linguistic reality.
  • How computational linguistic blogs contribute the creation of a knowledge economy.
  • The most important axis of this meeting is:
  • The limits and the notions and the applications
  • Computational linguistic blogs of the Arabic language for Arabic speaking and non Arabic speaking.
  • Computational linguistic blogs and distance teaching
  • The seminar marked the participation of different countries: Saudi Arabi, Brittany, Palestine ,Egypt ,Jordan ,Indonesia ,Malaysia, Turkey, Germany and Qatar